
Best ways to instantly index your new website in google search engine

if search engine not know your website or web page exist ,you can’t rank in search engine

Before starting the process of submission we know that what is crawling and indexing in SEO ?

in the simplest terms, you could think of searching the web as looking in a very large book with an impressive index telling you exactly where everything is located. When we perform a Google search, Google programs check their index to determine the most relevant search results. There are three process in delivering search results

1. Crawling : Does Google know about your site and find it.

2. Indexing : Can Google index your site.

3. Serving : Does the site have good and useful content that is relevant to search users .


Crawling is the process of fetching all the web pages linked with a website. This task is performed by a software called crawler. The crawlers are also known as spiders or bots , they visit website and send information to their respective parent websites


Indexing is the process of creating index for all the fetched web pages and keeping them into a huge database from where it can later be retrieved. An index is another name for the database used by a search engines. It contains information on all the websites the search engine was able to find.

Best ways to instantly submit your new website in google search engine

  Go To Google Search Console

  1.Submit Your Website In Google Search Console

2. Create Sitemap For Your Website and Submit Sitemap in Google Search Console

3. Create Robots.txt file in your Website Directory

note: if you used WordPress then no need to create robots.txt file there already have Robots.txt file

Robots.txt file is mostly used for allow and disallow url so this is important file simply you put only this –

User-agent: *

for all url Allow of your website

4. Go To google search console -> Crawl ->Fetch As Google

And Submit your all Website pages

5. Get other sites and influencers to link to your page: The Skyscraper Technique can help with that

6. Create a blog and publish regularly: Websites with blogs get an average of 434% more indexed pages. This is an easy way to build site authority and in turn, get pages indexed faster.

7. Submit your url In Other Web Directory For BackLink

8. Create an RSS FeedOnce created, this should automatically update and is just another effortless way of telling search engines there’s something new on your site that needs their attention.

9. Install Google Analytics:Recommended by Neil Patel, if you’re having a hard time getting your site indexed, this gives Google a little heads up that you’re active. Not to mention, Google Analytics is a great way to track several critical marketing metrics

10. And I Recommended you Share Your Website in Social Media And Forums

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